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Franklin Monroe Elementary School Mission Statement

The Franklin Monroe Elementary School has a responsibility along with parents and the community for educating each child to their fullest capacity. It is the school's mission to provide the educational foundation for the child to function in our changing society. The students will be directed in building their future as a positive contributing member of society. They will also be assisted in understanding and appreciating their heritage. 

Franklin Monroe Elementary is responsible and accountable to the public for the educational processes. A program will be provided, which will meet different and varied needs, at whatever level they occur, on an individual basis for all students within the constraints of the current economic conditions. This will be accomplished by setting goals at all levels, planning courses of action in accordance with those goals and allocating resources toward these ends with regard to the stated priority. A portion of the goals will be long-range. The use of resources will be efficient and effective, and evaluation will be based on stated goals and objectives. The goals need to be directly related to the assessed needs of our students and parents, as well as the general public served.  As many materials, facilities, and human resources as possible will be supplied to reach our goals.